Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 584
Trim: 8¾ x 11⅜
978-1-4422-6083-2 • Hardback • June 2017 • $168.00 • (£131.00)
978-1-4422-6084-9 • Paperback • June 2017 • $98.00 • (£75.00)
978-1-4422-6085-6 • eBook • June 2017 • $93.00 • (£72.00)
Vincent Giroud is professor at the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon (France), former curator of modern books and manuscripts, Beinecke Library, Yale University, author of French Opera: A Short History, Nicolas Nabokov: A Life in Freedom and Music, and contributor to the Oxford Handbook of Opera and the Oxford Handbook of Faust in Music.
Michael Kaye, eminent American musicologist, author of The Unknown Puccini, translator of Giacomo Puccini Catalogue of the Works, editor of works by numerous composers performed and recorded by major artists and orchestras, lecturer, educator, radio commentator, producer and opera administrator, annotator for major recordings, former member of the musical and artistic staffs of opera companies in the United States and Europe, including the Metropolitan Opera.
List of AbbreviationsForeword by Plácido DomingoIntroductionAcknowledgments ChronologyPart 1 – Essays- The Awareness and Influence of E.T.A. Hoffmann in France Before Les contes d’Hoffmann, Vincent Giroud
- The Librettists of Les contes d’Hoffmann, Vincent Giroud
- “Hallucinations in the Tavern”: Barbier’s Scenario of the Play, Michael Kaye
- The Barbier and Carré Play and its Reception, Michael Kaye
- The Birth of the Opera, Michael Kaye
The Revision for the Théâtre de la Porte-Saint-MartinHector Salomon: Le rêve d’Hoffmann (1875–1881)The Unrealized Opéra-féerie Version of Les contes d’Hoffmann- Les contes d’Hoffmann, From Play to Opera Libretto, Charlie Richards
- Barbier as Versifier, Vincent Giroud
- Hoffmann after Offenbach, Michael Kaye
Summary of Performances at the Opéra-Comique Prior to 1911 and the First Performances of the Opera in Other CountriesThe Brussels Version of the Opera (1887)The Surprising Tale of Raoul Gunsbourg’s Version of the Opera for Monte-Carlo (1904)Albert Carré’s revival of Les contes d’Hoffmann at the Opéra-Comique (1911)- Les Contes d’Hoffmann on the Stage: From Felsentein to the Present, George Loomis
- “Elle est sur la scène”: Arriving at and Choosing a Version, Vincent Giroud and Michael Kaye
Part 2 – The Play and the Libretto- Les contes d’Hoffmann: The Complete 1851 Barbier and Carré Play, Edited by Michael Kaye, English translation by Vincent Giroud
- The Libretto of Les contes d’Hoffmann, Edited and translated by Michael Kaye
- Literary Annotations for the Play and the Opera,Michael Kaye and Charlie Richards
AppendicesA. Comparative Table of Venues in the Opera in Early SourcesB. Descriptions of E. T. A. Hoffmann by Adolphe François Loève-Veimars (1799–1854) English translation by Vincent GiroudC. Little-Known Response to E.T.A. Hoffmann Prior to the Barbier and Carré Play Michael KayeGaetano Donizetti (1797–1848): “Le violon de Crémone d’Hoffmann”Juliette Godillon: A Forgotten French Composer Inspired by E.T.A HoffmannD. A Weimar-Era Example of the Opera’s Popularization: „Laß’ dir nix von Hoffmann erzählen“ (1929), Michael KayeSelect Discography, Videography, and Filmography, Charlie Richards
The book could be helpful to performers and conductors in choosing how to interpret the roles, cast the show, and choose an edition . . . Historians and others interested in the creation and development of the work, however, will find the listing of performances fascinating, especially since Kaye explains the edition choice, the casting, and other relevant details pertaining to the different stage production . . . Overall, this book will appeal to a wide audience that is interested in learning more about Hoffmann, the librettists, Offenbach, and the various iterations of his most popular opera.
— Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association
The Real ‘Tales of Hoffmann’ is a commendable collaboration of the opera historian par excellence, Vincent Giroud and Michael Kaye, who is something of a genius—a tireless researcher, an original thinker, a musicological historian unencumbered with prefabricated aesthetic prejudices—who has given the world rare, often revisionary, always profoundly valuable insights into the mind of Jacques Offenbach and the circuitous creation (also re-creation over time) of Les contes d’Hoffmann. They have earned unbridled admiration and gratitude from all who seek broadened horizons regarding the universal presentation of conventional, also unconventional, music and theater.
— Martin Bernheimer, Pulitzer Prize-winning former music critic of the Los Angeles Times
This scrupulously historical reconstitution of the origins and destiny of Les contes d’Hoffmann, perhaps the most misunderstood work in the operatic repertory, and certainly one of my favorite operas, will be a revelation to musicians and to everyone who has ever fallen under the spell of Offenbach’s immortal masterpiece.
— Neil Shicoff, internationally renowned star-tenor and one of the 20th century’s foremost interpreters of Hoffmann
The authors of The 'Real Tales of Hoffmann' have performed an invaluable service to all opera theaters, audiences, and scholars by presenting in one volume so much information about Offenbach’s masterpiece and important source material that is not readily available. Stage directors, designers, dramaturgs, conductors, and singers will also find the advice on choosing a version particularly illuminating.
— Ronny Dietrich, Dramaturg and Director of Publications of the Salzburg Festival (2012–2016)