Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 248
Trim: 6½ x 9⅜
978-1-4422-4948-6 • Hardback • October 2016 • $97.00 • (£75.00)
978-1-78660-946-5 • Paperback • July 2018 • $41.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4422-4949-3 • eBook • October 2016 • $39.00 • (£30.00)
Andrej Zwitter is professor of international relations and program coordinator of the Humanitarian Action Master’s Program specialization on Humanitarian Analysis and Intervention Design at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Tools and Step-by-Step Guides
Chapter 1. What is Humanitarian Intelligence?
Chapter 2. Humanitarian Intelligence in the Project Cycle Management
Chapter 3. Information Collection, Reliability and Probability
Chapter 4. Understanding Complex Contexts
Chapter 5. Humanitarian Analysis and Intervention Design Framework (H-AID): Comprehensive
Chapter 6. Understanding Actors and their Impact
Chapter 7. Social Network Analysis and Interpretation (SNA)
Chapter 8. Humanitarian Analysis and Intervention Design Framework (H-AID): Trend Factors Analysis
Chapter 9. Operational Planning and Forecasting
Conclusion: Recapitulating the Humanitarian Intelligence Cycle
1. Sample LogFrame for a Rice Production Project
2. Context Dimensions Measurements and Indicators
3. Context Dimensions and Human Rights Correspondence
4. H-AID Trend Calculation
5. Agency Needs Form for Office Opening
6. Planning Check-List for Office Closure
Today humanitarian actors are having to respond faster, stay longer, and constantly find creative solutions to overcoming challenges. Central to meeting the needs of millions of people everyday is the ability of the humanitarian system to gather, interpret and manage information. Humanitarian Intelligence elevates the vital role that intelligence analysis plays in the humanitarian sector. Most importantly, leaders and practitioners alike now have a working framework they can easily and immediately incorporate in their next relief operation.
— Mike Clark, Senior Advisor and Senior Policy Director, Convoy of Hope
As the humanitarian paradigm shifts to massive numbers not seen before in history, the ability to collect, analyze and systemize information is more important than ever. Utilizing approaches from experts in intelligence gathering will provide humanitarians and governments with the ability to address needs faster, more adequately and with accuracy to ensure impact. Humanitarian Intelligence is ground breaking and will help revolutionize humanitarian responses in the future.
— Christopher M. Hoffman, MPM, Regional Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs Director, World Vision East Africa Regional Office
The World Humanitarian Summit (May 2016) and the Agenda for Humanity are clear: the way the humanitarian community delivers aid and builds resilience needs to change drastically and academia should be at the core of this transformation through the provision of disaggregated reliable data and innovative analysis. Andrej Zwitter, in Humanitarian Intelligence, timely and successfully takes up the challenge and provides all humanitarian stakeholders with a groundbreaking approach to data collection, analysis and processes of decision-making, for the benefit of evidence-based humanitarian programming and project design. His book will truly be a game-changer!
— Joost Herman, President of the Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA)
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