Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 394
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-4422-4248-7 • Paperback • October 2014 • $22.95 • (£17.99)
978-1-4422-4249-4 • eBook • October 2014 • $9.99 • (£7.99)
Kate Caffrey is a historian who also wrote the celebrated Out in the Midday Sun.
Part One: A Great Design
Part Two: A Hatful of Wind
Part Three: Establishment
Part Four: The Freshest Advices
1: The Passenger List
2: The Mayflower Compact
3: Typical letters to and from the Pilgrims
4: Passengers from Delftshaven to Southampton
5: Passengers on the Fortune, Anne and Little James
6: Officers of the Plymouth Plantation
7: The Mayflower Bill of Lading, June 29, 1654
8: The Melo Drama, 1808
9: The Mayflower Menu, May 26, 1897
10: The Inscriptions at the Barbican, Plymouth, Devon
11: The Founding Fathers
Acknowledgments and Sources
Miss Caffrey’s sprightly and readable account of the great adventure proves that in most cases truth is more exciting than fiction.
— Indianapolis Star
Kate Caffrey’s eye for telling detail and her knack for the apt metaphor make The Mayflower highly readable.
— The Christian Science Monitor
A sound, crisp and involving popular history.
— Kirkus Reviews
Entertaining and informative history.