Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 148
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-4422-3179-5 • Hardback • June 2014 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
Anita G. Schmukler, DO, is a training and supervising analyst as well as supervisor in child analysis at the Philadelphia Center for Psychoanalysis. She is clinical associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Paula G. Atkeson, PhD, is a training and supervising analyst as well as child supervisor at the Baltimore Washington Institute for Psychoanalysis. She is a faculty member of the Baltimore Washington Institute.
Anita G. Schmukler
Chapter 1: Creating a Supervisory Framework: Models, Methods, and Mastery
Denia Barrett
Chapter 2: Supervising the Assessment
Stephanie Smith and Paula G. Atkeson
Chapter 3: Teaching Effective Supervision of Candidates in Their Work with the Parents of Their Child and Adolescent Patients
Paula G. Atkeson
Chapter 4: Helping Supervisors Work with Transferences and Countertransferences in Child and Adolescent
Anita G. Schmukler
Chapter 5: Teaching Supervisory Technique in Working with Fantasies, Play and Dream
Anita G. Schmukler and Mary Sickles
Chapter 6: Assisting the Supervisor in Working with Candidates on Ethical DilemmasLee Ascherman and Samuel Rubin
Chapter 7: Supervision and the Challenges of Termination
Jill Miller
Epilogue: The Supervisor’s Work with Special Problems Arising in the Supervisory Situation
Calvern Narcisi
Appendices A-D
About the Contributors
Drs. Atkeson and Schmukler have collected papers that not only summarize the available literature on supervision of child and adolescent analysis but provide substantive ideas for conceptualizing the very complex processes involved in such an endeavor. This book offers both the conceptual and the practical, so that both the ‘why’ and the ‘how to’ of making supervision a helpful undertaking are closely linked in the reader's mind.— Carla Elliott-Neely, Washington Center for Psychoanalysis
This outstanding book makes an invaluable contribution to the education of the child analyst; written by a group of skilled and experienced clinicians and supervisors, it covers essential issues in the teaching and learning of child analysis in a highly informative and practical way. A work that can serve as a guide and model for students and teachers, this book is essential reading for anyone engaged in the field of child analysis.— Theodore J. Jacobs, M.D., New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
This book examines the work of supervision throughout the various phases of a child and adolescent psychoanalytic treatment, with specific focus on the tasks pertinent to each phase. This specificity, combined with wonderful clinical examples, makes the study essential reading for both seasoned supervisors and for those just starting out. With this study, Schmukler and Atkeson make a contribution that is invaluable in itself, and in expanding and deepening the scholarly literature on this often neglected topic—a topic crucial for its clinical and conceptual implications.— Laurie Levinson, PhD
Teaching Effective Supervision of Child and Adolescent Analysis is a timely, masterful, and comprehensive contribution to the sparse literature on supervision of child and adolescent treatment. The detailed rich examples from clinical experience will be of value to all who supervise and treat children psychologically. A must for child analysts who wish to become effective supervisors.— Wendy Olesker, PhD, New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute