Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 258
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4422-3044-6 • Hardback • September 2015 • $102.00 • (£78.00)
978-1-4422-3045-3 • eBook • September 2015 • $96.50 • (£74.00)
Michael Michael is associate professor at Underwood International College, Yonsei University.
Part I: The Reasonableness of Freud’s Theory
Chapter 1: Meaning
Chapter 2: Wishes
Part II: The Validity of Freud’s Method
Chapter 3: Jigsaw Pieces
Chapter 4: Interconnections
Part III: The Scientificity of Freud’s Theory
Chapter 5: False Negatives
Chapter 6: False Positives
Part IV: In the Crucible of Science
Chapter 7: Brainwaves
Chapter 8: Mind-blocks
Conclusion: Finding the Seed of Gold
From the outset, Michael makes clear his intent to offer an objective appraisal of Freud’s theory of dreams and of the views of Freud’s critics and defenders. The author truly achieves this, in balanced and unbiased examinations. Not intended to be comprehensive, the book focuses on a number of key scholars, among them Ludwig Wittgenstein, Clark Glymour, Karl Popper, Adolf Grünbaum, J. Allan Hobson, William Domhoff, and Mark Solms. The text is well researched and documented, clear, and articulate. Michael does not strive to come up with a final resolution, instead focusing on the process of exploration and how aspects of various theories may play a part in dream theory in the future, as neuroscience continues to open new avenues. An excellent addition to the literature on Freud. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty and professionals.
— Choice Reviews
A brilliant and authoritative analysis of the criticisms of Freud's theory of dreams which the author dismantles one by one. This book shows the scientific vitality and the great potential of Freud’s dream theory for current dream research and theory. Michael’s work is an invaluable resource for evaluate the actuality of Freud’s dream theory.
— Claudio Colace, ASL Viterbo, National Health Service, Italy