Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 488
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-1-4422-2642-5 • Hardback • August 2014 • $184.00 • (£142.00)
978-1-4422-2643-2 • Paperback • August 2014 • $71.00 • (£55.00)
978-1-4422-2644-9 • eBook • August 2014 • $67.50 • (£52.00)
David Whitten Smith is the founding director of the Justice and Peace Studies program at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Elizabeth Geraldine Burr teaches in the Ethnic and Religious Studies Department at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota.
1: Hindu Worldviews
2: Buddhist Worldviews
3: Jewish Worldviews
4: Christian Worldviews
5: Muslim Worldviews
6: Native American Worldviews
7: Marxist Worldviews
8: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
9: Religious Social Teachings: Christian and Beyond
10: Liberation Theologies
11: Active Nonviolence
12: Just War Theory
Finally a book on worldviews that provides an honest and comprehensive discussion of issues that are most critical to the very survival of religion and civilization. The book’s focus on justice and peace as its guiding themes has greatly enhanced the value of studying world religions.
— Irfan A. Omar, Marquette University
This second edition is an excellent book and a must-read for students interested in a full-scope overview of the competing worldviews—both religious and secular—that compete with one another in the current marketplace of ideas and ideologies. The book is beautifully written, expertly researched, and replete with helpful diagrams, lists of terms, and bibliography. Written from a humane and ethically nuanced perspective, the book demonstrates why a thoroughgoing and critical understanding of the animating worldviews that shape our era are crucial for a well-informed and engaged citizenry. Original and highly recommended
— Mark I. Wallace
David Whitten Smith and Elizabeth Geraldine Burr...are to be commended for writing a text covering many world religions and world views from the perspective of peace and justice....The book's attempt to introduce various religious and non-religious worldviews from a universal moral perspective is a worthy one....Understanding World Religions is a passionate and timely text. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Peace and Justice Studies
Smith does a really good job of summarizing the major world religions, including Marxism, liberation theology, and views on just war and the Israel-Palestine conflict. This made for a good textbook. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Good Reads Reviews
[This] book easily stands out as the most up-to-date, approachable, and comprehensive volume with its mission and with the necessary admittance in its preface and advertised description as being conceived and written from a normative, values-based perspective that invalidates impartiality and advances social action-in the form of writing-for peace. (Previous Edition Praise)
— Journal Of Religion, Conflict and Peace
Along with very accessible descriptions of the various sets of beliefs, which the authors manage to deliver with a remarkable lack of bias, they also provide a very good bibliography that includes significant materials on comparative religion, peace work and justice issues. They also include a comprehensive glossary. (Previous Edition Praise)
— American Reference Books Annual
The strengths of the book are multi-fold: a robust introduction with the plan for each chapter, followed by extensive accounts of different world views with summary, key terms, discussion questions, notes and suggestions for further reading. The style of writing and choice of topics are absorbing and at the same time challenging to those who would delve further into the issues raised…. Understanding World Religions is an indispensable and rich resource for not only students of justice and peace studies but also for any reader who has an inclination towards the advancement of social justice, world peace and the enhancement of human welfare. (Previous Edition Praise)
— International Journal on World Peace
Unquestionably, we are teaching children/young adults who have grown up fearing and misunderstanding our Muslim sisters and brothers in the wake of 9/11. Understanding World Religions is a readable text that goes a little deeper with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I, also, appreciate their goal of working toward justice, peace and understanding. In a sense, why else do we study the world’s religions if not to grow respect for the "dignity of difference."
— Christine Billups, Lewis University
Invites students to explore points of connection and divergence between faith traditionsEmphasizes the potential for peace and justice through religionProfiles peacemakers, from those well-known to students, such as Gandhi, to less-known, such as A.T. Ariyaratne, and showcases justice work in actionAims to excite interest and invite further study, rather than offering a comprehensive pictureSupplementary Web Materials, including an instructor’s manual, a study guide, and a list of additional resources, are available to accompany this title via the Understanding World Religions Companion Web Site.Features a number of new profiles across faith traditions, including Swami Agnivesh, Daniel and Phil Berrigan, Riffat Hassan, Mustafa Barghouthi, Naim Ateek, A. J. Muste, and Mother Agnes MariamFeatures a number of new profiles across faith traditions, including Swami Agnivesh, Daniel and Phil Berrigan, Riffat Hassan, Mustafa Barghouthi, Naim Ateek, A. J. Muste, and Mother Agnes Mariam