Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 192
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-4422-2242-7 • Hardback • May 2013 • $102.00 • (£78.00)
978-1-4422-2244-1 • eBook • May 2013 • $96.50 • (£74.00)
James P Terry, a retired Marine Corps colonel and combat veteran, holds a law degree, a master of laws degree, and the doctor of juridical science degree. Currently, he is Senior Fellow at the Center for National Security Law at the University of Virginia. He and his wife Dr Michelle Terry live in Annandale, Virginia.
I. The Threat of Terrorism in Perspective
II. Legal Requirements for Unconventional Warfare: The Operational
III. State-Sponsored Terrorism: The International Political Context
IV. The Law of Self-Defense as Applied to the Terrorist Threat in Iraq
and Southwest Asia
V. The Development of Rules of Engagement and Their Application in
the Terrorist Environment
VI. Use of Force by the President: Defensive Uses Short of War
VII. Covert Action and the War on Terror
VIII. Access to Federal Courts for Enemy Combatants
IX. Torture and the Interrogation of Detainees
X. Federal Court or Military Commission: The Dilemma
XI. The International Criminal Court and the Trial of Terror-Related
XII. High Seas Terror and the Elimination of Piracy
XIII. Outsourcing Defense Support Operations in the War on Terror
XIV. Stabilization Operations: Addressing Post-Conflict Unrest in Iraq
and Afghanistan
XV. Environmental Terrorism: From Oil Fires to Fouling Gulf Waters
XVI. Defense of Critical Computer Infrastructure from Terrorists:
Computer Network Defense (CND)
XVII. The Legality of Attack on Foreign Infrastructure Posing a Threat
to the U.S.: Computer Network Attack (CNA)
XVIII. War Powers in the Age on Terror: The 2011 Libya Operation
XIX. The War on Terror and Media Access
XX. Future Perspectives in Addressing Terror Violence
Appendix: Selected Bibliography and Sources
About the author
[A]n excellent overview and a valuable contribution to the important goal of producing an informed nation committed both to protecting its people against terrorism and upholding the rule of law. It is a book that will be of value both to experts in the field and ordinary citizens who wish to better understand the legal dimensions of a conflict that may be with us for some years to come.
— Robert F. Turner, Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia Law School
An authoritative, comprehensive and well-written examination of the legal dimension in countering terrorism by the United States government, focusing on the cases of responding to terrorist insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq. The author is a leading expert on these topics, having served as a former Marine Corps judge advocate and legal counsel to the U.S. Defense Department. The book’s chapters cover topics such as the legal dimension required in the operational context of counterterrorism, including the use of covert action; the international legal and political context for countering state-sponsored terrorism; the law of self-defense as applied to the terrorist threat; developing rules of engagement in countering terrorism; the application of Habeas Corpus in the detention of enemy combatants; torture and the interrogation of detainees; the dilemma of turning to federal courts or military commissions in trying suspected terrorists; international law and maritime terrorism and piracy; outsourcing military support operations in counterterrorism; the legal dimension in countering cyberterrorism, and the relationship between counterterrorism and media access to information. The concluding chapter presents the author’s views on future perspectives in countering the terrorist threat.
— Perspectives on Terrorism