Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 216
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-1-4422-0945-9 • Hardback • September 2011 • $125.00 • (£96.00)
978-1-4422-0946-6 • Paperback • September 2011 • $65.00 • (£50.00)
978-1-4422-0947-3 • eBook • October 2011 • $61.50 • (£47.00)
Alfred S. Townsend is associate professor of music at Old Dominion University, where he holds the F. Ludwig Diehn Endowed Chair in Instrumental Music Education, and where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music education and research. His articles have appeared in the Music Educators Journal, Teaching Music, Choral Journal, National Band Association Journal, The Instrumentalist, and Il Saggiatore Musicale. Over the course of many years, he has served as a public school district music administrator and teacher, university professor, and ensemble director.
Foreword by Roger P. Phelps, professor emeritus, New York University
Chapter 1: The Historical and Research Context of Effective Music Teaching
Chapter 2: Artistry in Effective Teaching: Command of Content and Mastery of Methods
Chapter 3: Effective Instruction
Chapter 4: The Critical Element: Teacher Attitude
Chapter 5: Effective Communication and Six Components of Effective Teaching: Artistry and Attitude Together
Chapter 6: Effective Leadership
Chapter 7: Forming Your Personal Philosophy of Music Education: What Do You Believe is Important in Teaching and Learning Music?
Chapter 8: Case Studies: Artistry and Attitude in Action
Chapter 9: Administering Your Program: Nuts and Bolts
Chapter 10: Summary
Townsend (Old Dominion Univ.) has skillfully analyzed the needed elements for teaching music. He emphasizes the artistry and attitude of music leaders through the use of case studies, thus introducing the reader to the foundations of research and history necessary for effectiveness and mastery of content as well as providing real-life situations in music education settings. Nancy Klein (also Old Dominion) collaborates with the author on the important topic of leadership. Highlights of the book include charts and checklists (such as "ABCs of Attitude"), interviews with a variety of musicians, bibliographic notes and resources, and excellent end-of-chapter reflection, discussion, and assignments. Townsend takes a practical approach to contemporary teaching strategies. Although intended as a classroom textbook, this book would be a useful addition to any collection supporting study of the teaching of music. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and graduate students.
— Choice Reviews
This book powerfully illustrates the qualities and characteristics of an effective music teacher. Townsend devotes extensive effort to researching his topic to provide excellent tools for today's teachers. This book is packed with clear and creative examples of unit planning and guidelines, writing assignments, organization strategies, and ready-to-use projects. Comprehensive discussions and advice on attitude, patience, perseverance, dedication, communication, effective leadership, personal philosophy framework and classroom management are structured within a positive, nurturing approach to establish an inspiring professional philosophy valuable for the first year teacher and classroom veterans alike.
— Chris Armstrong, general/vocal/choral music educator, Hammond Elementary, Howard County Public School System
Finally, a masterfully written music-education teaching text that is both instructive and pleasant to read! Drawing on rich sources of historical, pedagogical, and philosophical materials, Townsend's wide ranging text gives practical advice and instruction to both preservice and in-service music educators. Void of teacher talk and educational jargon, this thoroughly research-based book focuses on the essentials of good teaching. While approaching music teaching as an art, Townsend explores the essence of effective teaching. He captivates his readers by laying out the importance of attitude in achieving success as an educator. His chapter ending questions make this a most ideal text for college and university music classrooms. This book provides a great resource for all teachers and educational administrators who need an introduction to or a refresher course on the essentials of music teaching and learning. I most confidently recommend this most useful, comprehensive and important text as required reading for all educators regardless of experience.
— Joseph A. DeLeo, music education student teacher field supervisor, New York University; director of music education, Five Towns College, New York
Townsend's new book is a treasure trove for music educators if there ever was one. The style is sophisticated, yet personal, insightful, and inspiring. Each chapter is a mini-book in itself with activities, case studies, planning templates, and excellent resource lists. Based on years of experience, it offers a tremendous wealth of practical ideas—a virtual compendium on how to become a successful music educator at any level. Undergraduates to seasoned professionals will love reading this remarkable and influential book.
— Glenn N. Koponen, dean of School of Music, Nyack College
What qualities do effective music teachers share? Townsend explores this question in his motivational new book, Introduction to Effective Music Teaching: Artistry and Attitude. Townsend's use of case studies helps to make his arguments vivid and clear. This book will encourage self reflection among student teachers, beginning teachers, and veteran teachers. It is a welcome contribution to the profession.
— Victor V. Bobetsky, associate professor and Director of the Teacher Education Program in Music at Hunter College of the City University of New York
At long last, we have a textbook which focuses not on perfecting performance through music education, but rather on consciously considering those affective and cognitive factors which contribute to the creation of a master teacher, a caring individual, a reflective practitioner, and a passionate musician. In his masterfully organized work, Townsend has considered the players [students, colleagues, administrators, parents, and oneself] and the instructional environment (the classroom, the performance venue, and the home) and has imbued his work with a civility which is unique and enticing. By interfacing artistry and attitude, the author invites future music educators to reflect not only on that which is the foundation of musical expression but also on their own practice and their dispositions for teaching. In reading through the chapters and witnessing the experience and skill of their author, one realizes most happily that Townsend's goal in shaping music educators is to achieve Berthold Auerbach's philosophy: 'Music washes … from the soul the dust of everyday life.'
— Peter K. Lynch, Molloy College
Synthesizing current research and a career of pedagogical experience, Alfred Townsend provides a well-organized music teacher education textbook applicable to choral, instrumental, or general music settings. Introduction to Effective Music Teaching: Artistry and Attitude artfully provides an additional resource for undergraduate music teacher preparation. The author has an eye toward practical advice supported by pedagogical, philosophical, and historical elements appropriate for a preservice teacher. His broad approach is quite helpful for the 21st-century music educator, and he stresses the necessary and teaching attitude necessary for effective music teaching.
— Music Educators Journal
—Practical lesson design and delivery of instruction to all students, including special learners.
—Field-tested projects connecting parents with learning by having parents learn what their children are studying. Students quiz their parents on content and parents quiz their children on the same content.
—Effective methods for improving communication with the total school community.
—Nuts and bolts of administering a school music program, from dealing with paperwork to parents.
—Self-assessment activities for growth in six components of effective music teaching-content, comprehension, communication, dedication, structure, and character.
—Activities for reflection, assignment, or discussion.
—An extensive, handy listing of resources.