Editorial Note
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Articles for Future Volumes
The Ultimate Transgression of the Courtly World: Peasants on the Courtly Stage and Their Grotesque Quests for Sexual Pleasures
One Mind, One Heart, One Purse: Integrating Friendship Traditions and the Case of Troilus and Criseyde
Solving Dorigen's Trilemma: Oath and Law in the Franklin's and Physician's Tales
What Were the Ladies in the City of Ladies Reading?: The Libraries of Christine de Pizan's Contemporaries
Review Articles
English Regional Identity
Robert W. Barrett,Jr., Against All England: Regional Identity and Cheshire Writing, 1195-1656
England and Iberia
Maria Bullón-Fernández, ed., England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th-15th Century. Cultural, Literary and Political Exchanges (Jose Carlos Redondo-Olmedilla, University of Almeria)
Alternative Christianities
Daniel E. Bornstein, ed., Medieval Christianity: A People's History of Christianity, vol. 4 (Eva von Contzen, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum)
Dale Kent, Friendship, Love, and Trust in Renaissance Florence (Christoph Pieper, Leiden University)
Review Notices
Amadis of Gaul, vols. 1 and 2
(Craig M. Nakashian)
Ames, Christine Caldwell, Righteous Persecutions: Inquisitions, Dominicans, and Christianity in the Middle Ages
Badir, Patricia, The Maudlin Impression: English Literary Images of Mary Magdalene, 1550-1700.
Brosens, Koenrraad, ed., European Tapestries in the Art Institute of Chicago
Burrow, John A., The Poetry of Praise. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature
Carver, Martin, Catherine Hill, and Jonathen Scheschkeswitz, Wasperton: A Roman British and Anglosaxan Community in Central England
Clarke, Peter and Tony Claydon, eds. The Church, the Afterlife and the Fate of the Soul
Devun, Leah, Prophecy, Alchemy and the End of Time: John of Rupescissa in the Late Middle Ages
Ebbesen, Sten, Topics in Latin Philosophy from the 12th-14th Centuries
Einbinder, Susan, No Place of Rest. Jewish Literature, Expulsion, and the Memory of Medieval France
Felbrgge, Ferdinand, Law in Medieval Russia
Gamoran, Hillel, Jewish Law in transition: How Forces Overcame the Prohibition against Lending Interest
Gardner, James, Marco Girolamo Vida. Christiad
Hill, John, M. The Narrative Pulse of Beowulf: Arrivals and Departures
Kolve, V. A., Telling Images: Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative II
Mayvaert, Paul, The Art of Words: Bede and Theodulf
Muller, Ulrich, Ingrid Bennewitz, and Franz Viktor Spechtler, eds.,Neidhart-Lieder: Texte und Melodien sämtlicher Handschriften und Drucke
Peterson, David S., ed., Florence and Beyond: Cultures, Society and Politics in Renaissance Italy; Essays in Honour of John M. Najemy, with Daniel E. Bornstein
Swanson, R. N., Indulgences in Late Medieval England: Passports to Paradise?
Syros, Vasileios, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius von Padua. Eine Untersuchung zur ersten Diktion des Defensor pacis
Vassilaki, Maria, The Painter Angelos and Icon-Painting in Venetian Crete
Zombori, Istvain, ed., Közép-Európa harca a török ellen a 16 század elsö felében [The Central Europeans' struggle with the Turks during the former half of the sixteenth century]
Books Received