Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / The Foundation for Critical Thinking
Pages: 24
Trim: 5¼ x 8
978-0-944583-13-5 • Paperback • January 2006 • $17.00 • (£12.99)
978-1-5381-3390-3 • eBook • June 2019 • $16.00 • (£11.99)
Dr. Wesley Hiler was a psychotherapist who served in prisons and mental hospitals. With a doctorate in psychology, Hiler taught at several higher education institutions during his lifetime. In the 1970’s, Paul and Hiler together explored the role of active and cooperative learning, and began to develop the techniques found in this guide.
Dr. Richard Paul was a foremost advocate for critical thinking and, through his work and legacy, remains a distinguished thinker in the field. In 1980, Paul founded the Center for Critical Thinking, followed by the Foundation for Critical Thinking; Paul authored numerous articles and books on critical thinking.
Dr. Linda Elder is an educational psychologist and internationally recognized authority on critical thinking. She has been president of the Foundation for Critical Thinking for 25 years, and has coauthored four books on critical thinking, as well as all 23 titles found in the Thinker's Guide Library.