University Press of America / Free Congress Foundation
Pages: 182
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-942522-07-5 • Paperback • January 1984 • $75.99 • (£58.00)
The authors of The Evangelical Voter have done an impressive job. I enjoyed reading it and found it highly profitable. It is an insightful piece of work.
— James Davison Hunter, University of Virginia; Religious Studies Review
Straightforward quantitative sociological analysis, this book is a helpful addition to the proliferating studies of religious conservatives and their political attitudes....Useful for political analysis and as a reference for behavior of evangelicals,the book has some interesting findings...
— Religious Studies Review
Straightforward quantitative sociological analysis, this book is a helpful addition to the proliferating studies of religious conservatives and their political attitudes....Useful for political analysis and as a reference for behavior of evangelicals, the book has some interesting findings...
— Religious Studies Review
The authors of The Evangelical Voter have done an impressive job. I enjoyed reading it and found it highly profitable. It is an insightful piece of work.
— James Davison Hunter, University of Virginia; Religious Studies Review