Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Apex
Pages: 342
978-0-938960-56-0 • Hardback • September 2008 • $74.00 • (£57.00)
978-0-938960-55-3 • Paperback • September 2008 • $42.00 • (£35.00)
Through Indian Eyes is a timely and useful book, especially when India is emerging on the international scene as a power to reckon with and when an understanding of her cultural past is important for an appraisal of her present status. This book neatly puts the issue of India's history in the context of her cultural traditions, ethos, changing society, and the efforts to bring in the new without losing the old. The book will undoubtedly be useful for students because of its balanced handling of the subject, well-articulated conclusions, lucid style and extremely readable presentation.
— Usha Thakkar, Honorary Director, Institute of Research on Gandhian Thought and Rural Development, coauthor of Women in Indian Society
I am delighted that Through Indian Eyes is coming in a new edition. While meant for students, I can well imagine its being read with pleasure by people going to India and wanting "the best short book on India." I will certainly add it to the list of "best short books" that I am frequently asked to name.
— Ainslie T. Embree, Columbia University
Superbly documents the richness of India through informative narratives and primary source materials. Each selection offers a valuable voice for understanding the intricacies of Indian culture and history, the politics, economics and global concerns of modern India.... Since its first release in 1974, I have used each edition as a primary text or a companion source book for Area Studies, World History and Comparative Government courses. This newly up-dated edition is an especially wonderful way for teachers and students to explore how India views herself and her role in the current world community of rapid globalization and interdependence.
— Gwen Johnson, Scarsdale High School, World History & AP Comparative Government teacher
- A teaching strategy manual has been created by the authors for this book, contact for details.
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