This book examines the chemicals most commonly encountered in the major media and thoroughly reviews 26 principal biological technologies available for their treatment. Using the author's "at-a-glance" chart, readers can quickly determine if a method would work in their processes.
The author introduces the biotreatment method with the chart, which includes an overview of each method's applications, costs, advantages, disadvantages, and other considerations. She then guides readers in choosing the appropriate biotreatment method by providing more detailed explanations of each method, including the design and operating conditions, by using practical case studies from both the United States and overseas, and by comparing each method with conventional technologies in its area.
The technologies addressed in
Environmental Biotreatment apply to municipal operations and to the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, chemical, printing, food, metal finishing, and food processing industries. Biotreatment technologies covered include activated sludge processes, lagoons and ponds, wetlands, anaerobic wastewater treatment and digestion, bioleaching, phytoremediation, land-farming, slurry reactors, and trickling filters.