Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 232
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-0-8476-9168-5 • Hardback • March 1999 • $157.00 • (£121.00)
978-0-8476-9169-2 • Paperback • March 1999 • $42.00 • (£35.00)
Nicol C. Rae is professor of political science at Florida International University.
Colton C. Campbell is assistant professor of political science at Florida International University.
Part 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 From Revolution to Evolution: Congress under Republican Control
Part 3 New Styles of Party Leadership
Chapter 4 Partisan Imperative and Institutional Constraints: Republican Party Leadership in the House and Senate
Chapter 5 Institutional Context and Leadership: The Case of Newt Gingrich
Part 6 Change and Continuity in Congressional Committees
Chapter 7 Building the Republican Regime: Leaders and Committees
Chapter 8 Learning to Legislate: Committees in the Republican Congress
Part 9 Reforming the Legislative Process
Chapter 10 Procedural Features of House Republican Rule
Chapter 11 Republican Roles in Congressional Budget Reform: Twenty-Five Years of Deficit and Conflict
Part 12 The Congressional Republican Party
Chapter 13 Moderate Success: Majority Status and Factionalism in the House Republican Party
Chapter 14 The House Republicans: Lessons for Political Science
The volume . . . examines the results of the change in majority party from the standpoint of new styles in leadership, changes in congressional committees, changes in legislatives processes and procedures, and the effects of majority status on the Republican party. . . . This work will interest all students of the modern-day Congress.
— Choice Reviews
. . . Rae and Campbell have assembled a rich commentary on the Congress of the nineties from some of the leading congressionalists. . . . They present a comprehensive analysis of the Republican Revolution and its implications for public policy and institutional norms.
— APSA Legislative Studies Section Newsletter, Book Notes
If you are teaching a class on Congress in the near future, get Rae and Campbell's highly readable edited volume. It is . . . the best book so far on how Republicans have redirected the legislative and institutional direction of Congress.
— H-Net: Humanities and Social Science Reviews Online
A dozen of the country's leading legislative scholars have collaborated here to examine and explain four historic, roller-coaster years of the U.S. Congress under Republican rule. For an up-to-date analysis of how the new majority and the old institution have affected one another, and why, this stimulating and original volume must be read and savored.
— Richard F. Fenno, University of Rochester
—Paves the way for understanding the change in Republican leadership
—Provides an excellent introduction to the contemporary congressional scene with background and forward-looking analysis
—Leading scholars apply current research to issues includingleadership, style, committee rules and reforms, factionalism, and procedures
—Traces the progress from Republican revolution to evolution