Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 308
Trim: 5¾ x 9
978-0-8476-8619-3 • Paperback • August 1997 • $62.00 • (£48.00)
Douglas Kries is associate professor of philosophy at Gonzaga University. He is the co-translator and co-editor of Augustine: Political Writings, and his articles have appeared in Review of Politics, Thomist, and Proceedings of the Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference.
A provocative introduction for a clearer understanding of what was involved in making Christianity politically friendly. The contributors have unearthed important philosophical and political assumptions of nascent modernity that help explain what was lost and what was gained in the radical transformation of Christianity. This is an important contribution to understanding present day culture wars.
— Bruce A. Little, Piedmont Baptist College; Ehtics and Medicine
This excellent book is a most impressive and thorough defense of the relationship between "early modern political philosophy" and "the theologico-political problem" first put forward by Leo Strauss.
— Peter Augustine Lawler, Berry College; American Political Science Review
. . . striking . . .
— Ian Harris, University of Leicester; Political Studies Review, Sept. '99; Vol. 47 No. 4