Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 192
Trim: 5¾ x 9
978-0-8476-8567-7 • Paperback • August 1997 • $60.00 • (£46.00)
David E. Marion is professor of political science at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.
Marion carefully and objectively examines Brennan's opinions and writings . . . Marion reminds the reader of the more sober teaching of the founding generation who relied on a 'government of laws, and not men' for our political salvation.
— Ralph A. Rossum, Claremont McKenna College
Marion presents a respectful yet critical survey and analysis of the thought of Justice William J. Brennan. . . . A welcome antidote to the hagiography so common in discussions of Brennan. . . . Recommended for upper-division undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty.
— Choice Reviews
A welcome antidote to the hagiography so common in discussions of Brennan.
— J.R. Vile, Middle Tenn. State Universtiy; Choice Reviews, May 98