Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 256
Trim: 6⅛ x 9¼
978-0-8476-8449-6 • Hardback • March 1997 • $182.00 • (£140.00)
Victor Bers is Professor of Classics at Yale University. He is author of Enallage and Greek Style and Greek Poetic Syntax in the Classical Age.
An interesting and valuable book . . . The subject is an important one that has received relatively little notice to date: Bers offers a rich collection of material and an abundance of useful insights on texts both ancient ad modern.
— John R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan; Phoenix
Speech in Speech combines the thoroughness of traditional Teutonic studies of Reden in a single author with a more cosmopolitan erudition and an element of theoretical caution. This book will be of enduring benefit to literary historians.
— Andrew Laird; Classical Review
Anyone interested in ancient literature will be intrigued by Bers's examination of these and other problems in the use of direct speech in Greek. When one reads it one wonders repeatedly why no one thought of writing this book decades ago.
— Bryn Mawr Classical Review