Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 236
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8476-8262-1 • Paperback • January 1998 • $18.95 • (£14.99)
Chapter 1 Remembering Washington's Legacy
Chapter 2 Establishing the American Character
Chapter 3 Friends and Fellow Citizens
Chapter 4 Our Interest Guided by Our Justice
Chapter 5 Washington and the American Political Tradition
Chapter 6 Truths Important at all Times
Chapter 7 Appendix A: The Circular Address
Chapter 8 Appendix B: The First Inaugural
Chapter 9 Appendix C: The Farewell Address. Good character was central to Washington's success, and it remains essential for the success of republican government. It is particularly important, in an election year, to be reminded of the concluding thoughts of the fi
Spalding's and Garrity's work is a convincing argument for the importance of Washington's ideas for our time.
— American Historical Review
Spalding and Garrity focus on the effect of Washington's character on the new republic on his speach . . . the book outlines Washington's efforts to impress his character traits on the new government and to establish its course.
— Library Journal
. . . a definitive analysis of George Washington's farewell address . . .
— Margaret Flanagan; Booklist
This marvelous book helps to renew our understanding of George Washington's enormous contribution to the founding of our country, and of the continuing relevance of his example to the problems we face today.
— William A. Galston, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
This splendid volume, reminds us of how much we owe to George Washington.
— Walter Berns, John M. Olin University Professor, Georgetown University
Two hundred years after The Farewell Address was published, Matthew Spalding and Patrick J. Garrity help Washington speak once more to his 'Friends and Fellow Citizens'.
— Richard Brookhiser; National Review
Spalding and Garrity show how George Washington was able to help shape the hearts of his countrymen—and how Washington's speeches and deeds can help shape them still. An intelligent and important work.
— The Weekly Standard
On its two-hundredth anniversary, it is appropriate for Americans to remember and reconsider this great document. A Sacred Union of Citizens is a contribution not only to the current renaissance in Washington scholarship but also to contemporary debates about citizenship and the American character.
— Daniel J. Boorstin, from the Introduction
In this impressive volume, Mr. Spalding and Mr. Garrity see a great lesson in Washington's Farewell Address . . . . This book is a major contribution to Washington scholarship.
— The Washington Times
It is worth sampling and the Farewell Address itself is definantly worth reading . . .
— Richmond Times-Dispatch
An insightful and provocative analysis of the past, present, and future of American democracy and its most important citizen, this book will be of value to any American concerned about the current state of American citizenship and the future role of the national government.