Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 288
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-0-8476-8129-7 • Hardback • December 1995 • $143.00 • (£110.00)
Gregory Crane is assistant professor of classics at Tufts University.
Crane provides an illuminating analysis of the difference between Herodotean atrekeia and Thucydidean akribeia. . . . The Blinded Eye, like the history that inspired it, is a book to be read, scrutinized and challenged, and therefore a valuable contribution to Thucydidean studies.
— New England Classical Journal
Takes up a wide range of issues, from the question of Thucydides' claim of accuracy to the historian's narrative technique and selection of material. . . .this provocative study advances our understanding.
— Mark Edward Clark, University of Southern Mississippi; Religious Studies Review, Vol. 24, No.3, July 1998
This is an excellent book—original, enjoyable, and sophisticated. It is several studies at once . . .
— Classical Review