University Press of America
Pages: 148
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8191-7964-7 • Hardback • November 1990 • $96.00 • (£74.00) - Currently out of stock. Copies will arrive soon.
978-0-8191-7965-4 • Paperback • October 1990 • $62.99 • (£48.00) - Currently out of stock. Copies will arrive soon.
Jerry Caris Godard is Professor of Psychology and Literature at Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina.
The book is a demonstration of what it talks about: the play of language and thinking, the uses of contradiction and paradox, a conversation about conversation that includes the reader. I've practically filled the margins and the interstices, the gapsbetween the lines.
— Samuel Scoville, Warren Wilson College
The book is a demonstration of what it talks about: the play of language and thinking, the uses of contradiction and paradox, a conversation about conversation that includes the reader. I've practically filled the margins and the interstices, the gaps between the lines.
— Samuel Scoville, Warren Wilson College