Chapter 1. Introduction
Clifford Winston and Jia Yan
Part I. Urban Transportation
Chapter 2. The Effect of Reductions in Vehicle Miles Traveled on Highway Fatalities and Congestion with Heterogeneous Motorists
Vikram Maheshri and Clifford Winston
Chapter 3. Is Public Bus Transit a Competitor or a Subordinate to Public Rail Transit?
Austin J. Drukker and Clifford Winston
Chapter 4. Measuring the Benefits of Ridesharing Service to Urban Travelers: The Case of the San Francisco Bay Area
Hyeonjun Hwang, Clifford Winston, and Jia Yan
Chapter 5. Consumer Adoption of Electric Vehicles: The Appropriate Role of the Private Sector and Government
Clifford Winston and Jia Yan
Chapter 6. Consumer Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles: The Appropriate Role of the Private Sector and Government
Clifford Winston and Jia Yan
Part II. Intercity Passenger Transportation
Chapter 7. Would US Travelers Benefit from Entry by Foreign Airlines? Simulating the Effect of Cabotage Based on Low-Cost Carrier Competition in US and European Union Markets
Xinlong Tan, Clifford Winston, and Jia Yan
Chapter 7 Appendix. Potential Benefits of Seamless International Airline Travel
Austin J. Drukker and Clifford Winston
Chapter 8. Public Airport Competition and Some Potential Benefits of Private Airport Competition
Austin J. Drukker and Clifford Winston
Chapter 9. Private Airport Competition and Innovation: The Case of Heated Airport Runways
Jukwan Lee, Clifford Winston, and Jia Yan
Chapter 10. Competition and Innovation to Further Improve Intercity Passenger Transportation
Clifford Winston and Jia Yan
Part III. Freight Transportation
Chapter 11. Railroad Competition and Innovation
Vikram Maheshri, Clifford Winston, Jia Yan, and Scott Dennis
Chapter 12. The Potential Benefits of Autonomous Trucking
Chad Shirley and Clifford Winston
Chapter 13. Water Transportation and Drones
Clifford Winston and Jia Yan
Part IV. Synthesis and Policy Recommendations
Chapter 14. Synthesis and Policy Recommendations
Clifford Winston and Jia Yan