1. Introduction: The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence, Daniel W. Drezner
Part I: Theory
2. Weaponized Interdependence: How Global Economic Networks Shape State Coercion, Henry Farrell and Abraham L. Newman
3. Hegemony and Fear: The National Security Determinants of Weaponized Interdependence, Michael Mastanduno
4. The Road to Revisionism: How Interdependence Gives Revisionists Weapons for Change, Stacie E. Goddard
Part II: Finance
5. Weaponized Interdependence and International Monetary Systems, Harold James
6. Weaponizing International Financial Interdependence, Thomas Oatley
Part III: Tech
7. Internet Platforms Weaponizing Choke Points, Natasha Tusikov
8. Huawei, 5G, and Weaponized Interdependence, Adam Segal
Part IV: Energy
9. Weaponizing Energy Interdependence, Emily Meierding
10. Russia's Gazprom: A Case Study in Misused Interdependence, Mikhail Krutikhin
Part V: State-Owned Networks
11. Weaponized Weapons: The U.S. F-35 and European Eurofighter Networks, Florian David Bodamer and Kaija E. Schilde
12. Coercion Unbound? China's Belt and Road Initiative, Thomas P. Cavanna
Part VI: Responses to Weaponized Interdependence
13. Weaponized Interdependence, the Dynamics of Twenty-first Century Power, and U.S. Grand Strategy, Bruce W. Jentleson
14. Investment Screening in the Shadow of Weaponized Interdependence, Sarah Bauerle Danzman
15. Weaponized Interdependence and Human Rights, Charli Carpenter
16. Must the Weak Suffer What They Must? The Global South in a World of Weaponized Interdependence, Amrita Narlikar
17. Weaponized Interdependence and Networked Coercion: A Research Agenda, Henry Farrell and Abraham L. Newman