The Honorable Jacob J. Lew
Introduction: Challenges and Opportunities for OMB Leadership in U.S. Policymaking Today
The Honorable Jacob J. Lew
1. Understanding OMB's Role in Presidential Policymaking
Meena Bose
Part I: OMB and The Budget Process
2. OMB, the Presidency, and the Federal Budget
James P. Pfiffner
3. The Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Process: The View from Capitol Hill
Molly E. Reynolds
4. The President's Budget Powers in the Trump Era
Eloise Pasachoff
Part II: Central Clearance
5. OMB's Role Inside the White House
Martha B. Coven
6. Projects Worth the Price: OMB and the Central Clearance of Legislation and Executive Orders
Andrew Rudalevige
7. Learning from Failure: A “Failure CV” for the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Rachel Augustine Potter
Part III: OMB—Managing the Bureaucracy (and Itself)
8. OMB in Its Management Role: Evidence from Surveys of Federal Executives
David E. Lewis, Mark D. Richardson, and Eric Rosenthal
9. State of the Agency: Internal Developments at OMB
Geovette E. Washington and Thomas E. Hitter
10. Guarding the Emperor's New Clothes: OMB, the Presidency, and the “Problem” of Neutral Competence in the Era of Trump
Matthew J. Dickinson
11. Conclusion: OMB and Presidential Transitions: Building a More Effective Government through a Transformed Office of Management and Budget
Kristine Simmons and Peter Kamocsai
Appendix: BOB/OMB Directors 1921–2020