Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Brookings Institution Press
Pages: 220
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-0-8157-3787-2 • Paperback • October 2020 • $29.00 • (£19.99)
978-0-8157-3788-9 • eBook • October 2020 • $27.50 • (£19.99)
Robert Litan is a nonresident senior fellow in the Economic Studies program at the Brookings Institution, a program he formerly directed. He has had a distinguished career in economic research covering a broad array of public policy issues, in high-level appointed positions in the federal government, as a practicing lawyer, and as an executive of the Kauffman Foundation and Bloomberg Government.
1. Improving Education and Healing America through Debate-Centered Education: An Introduction
2. Competitive Debate as a Model for Education Reform: Virtues and Limits
3. Beyond Competition: Debate-Centered Instruction for All
4. Debate-Centered Instruction Can Help Revitalize Our Democracy
5. Debating Skills Are Not Just for Future Lawyers
6. Objections and Challenges to Debate-Centered Instruction
7. A Political Roadmap for a Debate-Centered Educational Revolution
Litan makes a great case for involving debate in a wider context, and those who know debate, those who teach debate, and those who love debate will probably agree wholeheartedly... Litan has done a great job here of outlining the need for debate as a possible cure for party politics in America; following up with a clearer plan on how to reach the masses with the message would be even better.