Part I: The Changing Global Context for Growth
1. Technology, Change, and a New Growth Agenda, Zia Qureshi
2. Subdued Potential Growth: Sources and Remedies, Sinem Kilic Celik, M. Ayhan Kose, and Franziska Ohnsorge
3. Stagnation vs. Singularity: The Global Implications of Alternative Productivity Growth Scenarios, Warwick J. McKibbin and Adam Triggs
4. The Future of Global Manufacturing, Brahima Coulibaly and Karim Foda
5. The Digital Transformation of International Trade, Joshua P. Meltzer
Part II: Country Perspectives on a Changing Growth Agenda: Korea
6. A Shift in the Economic Policy Paradigm, Hyeon-Wook Kim
7. Growth and Distribution: No Longer Compatible with Each Other?, Youngsun Koh
8. Change in Labor Income Share in Korea: Findings from Firm-Level Data, Jiyoon Oh
9. Technological Change and the Rise of Corporate Saving: A Korean Case Study, Duksang Cho
10. Rise of Household Debt and Spending in Korea: Evidence and Policy Implications, Young-Il-Kim