Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Brookings Institution Press
Pages: 234
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8157-3691-2 • Hardback • March 2019 • $24.99 • (£18.99) - Currently out of stock. Copies will arrive soon.
978-0-8157-3785-8 • Paperback • February 2020 • $22.99 • (£17.99)
978-0-8157-3692-9 • eBook • March 2019 • $3.99 • (£2.99)
Darrell M. West is vice president of the Governance Studies program at the Brookings Institution and taught for many years at Brown University. He is the author of The Future of Work: Robots, AI, and Automation; Megachange: Economic Disruption, Political Upheaval, and Social Strife in the 21st Century; and Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust.
Preface: Upheaval
1. Mistrust:
The Reagan Revolution
The Clinton Period
Bush and the War on Terror
The Obama Years
Shock and Awe under Trump
2. Economic Frustrations:
The Decline of Agriculture
Lost Manufacturing Jobs
Wage Stagnation and Inequality
A Rise in Public Anger
3. The Decline of Opportunity
Growing Up Poor
Advancement through Education
Obstacles for the Current Generation
Destruction of the American Dream
4. Identity Politics
Conservative Tribalism
Liberal Tribalism
Power Tribalism
Mistrusting Other Tribes
5. Religious Tensions
Religious Exemptions
6. The Backlash against
Globalization and Immigration
Opening Borders
Cross-Cultural Tensions
Tough Enforcement
7. Undue Influence
Overt Corruption
College Admissions
8. Overcoming Hyperconflict
Widespread Polarization
Diverging Identities
Mistrust and Intolerance
Opponents as Enemies
Political Sorting
The Decline of Facts
Reconciling Differences
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