Foreword, Steve Case
1. The Pivot to a New Government Operating System
Distributed, Innovative, and Open
The Pros and Cons of Municipal Bureaucracy
Today's Best Practices Are Necessary but Not Sufficient
Building Blocks of the New O/S
Why Now?
2. The State of Innovation: What We Have and What We're Missing
Assessing the Current Innovation Landscape
Thoughts and Theories Toward a New O/S
3. UX: Placing Citizens and Those
Who Serve Them at the Center
When Government Uses UX
Citizen-Focused UX
UX for Public Employees
A Never-Ending Effort
4. Government That Acts in Time
Operating in Time
Regulating in Time
Regulation in a Distributed World
City as Referee in the Information Game
5. The Problem-Solving Public Servant
Allegheny County's Empowered Caseworkers
Key Components of a Data-Infused System
Public Servants in the Data-Infused System
Managing More Autonomous Employees
New O/S for Human Resources
6. Mashed Up Government
Data Configured for Kansas City's Citizens
The Importance of Resident Intelligence
Government by Proxy: Connecting the Contractors
Greater Capacity with Institutional Partners
7. A New City from a New O/S
Implementation Guide: Strategies to Address the Ten Most Important Challenges to a New O/S