Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Brookings Institution Press
Pages: 306
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8157-2815-3 • Paperback • February 2016 • $39.00 • (£30.00)
978-0-8157-2816-0 • eBook • February 2016 • $37.00 •
"Carol Newman is an associate professor in the Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin. Her main research and publications are in the microeconomics of development with a focus on both household and enterprise behavior.
John Page is senior fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program of the Brookings Institution, Washington, DC and nonresident senior fellow of UNU-WIDER. He was the World Bank’s chief economist for Africa until 2008 and has published widely on industrial development and industrial policy in Africa and Asia. He is the co-author of UNIDO’s Industrial Development Report, 2009.
John Rand is a professor in development microeconomics at the University of Copenhagen. He has published extensively on the economics of the firm in developing countries, and in 2001 and 2008 he was an economic advisor to leading think tanks in Vietnam and Mozambique.
Abebe Shemeles is acting director of the Research Department of the African Development Bank. His main research interests and publications are in poverty analysis and labor economics.
Måns Söderbom is professor of economics, University of Gothenburg. His research centers on development economics and applied econometrics. He has published widely on the decisions and performance of firms.
Finn Tarp is professor of economics, University of Copenhagen, and Director, UNU-WIDER. He is a leading international expert on development strategy and foreign aid. He has held senior posts and advisory positions in government and with donor organizations and is a member of a large number of international committees and advisory bodies."