Introduction and Overview: Two Chambers, Two Ways
The House of Representatives: Where the Majority Party Rules
The Ways and Means and Appropriations Committees
The Congressional Calendar
The Legislative Process
Leadership Structure
The Rules Committee
Rules of the House
Types of Special Rules
Open Rule
Modified Open Rule
Structured and Closed Rules
Committee of the Whole
Floor Procedure
The Senate: Where Debate and Deals Rule
Basics of Legislation in the Senate
The Senate Calendar and Considerations of Time
The Use of Cloture
Life Cycles in the Senate
Types of Bills
Taking Votes
Working through the Process and the Role of the Majority
Majority Rule Versus Consent
Amendments and the Amendment Tree
Getting a Bill to the Floor
The Standard Committee Process
The Rule 14 Process
HR Vehicle 71
Consent, or “Hotlining”
Privileged or Other Special Vehicles: Conferences, House Messages, Statutory Items
Substituting a New Text, and Amendment to a Moving Vehicle, Bill Packages
Procedural Tools in the Senate
Common Moves and Terms
Fast-Moving or Unusual Vehicles
Changes in the Senate Rules
The Senate as a Whole
A. Sample House Weekly Schedule
B. Sample House Rules Committee Structured Rule
C. Sample Senate Hotline Email
D. Samples of Most Common Amendment Trees