Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 272
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-0-8108-9312-2 • Hardback • June 2015 • $128.00 • (£98.00)
978-0-8108-8580-6 • Paperback • June 2015 • $80.00 • (£62.00)
978-0-8108-8581-3 • eBook • June 2015 • $76.00 • (£58.00)
Rebecca P. Butler is a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment, College of Education, at Northern Illinois University (NIU) in DeKalb, Illinois. At NIU, she teaches graduate (master’s and doctoral) students in school library media and instructional technology. Prior to moving to NIU in 1998, she was an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at East Tennessee State University (ETSU). While a faculty member at NIU and ETSU, she has conducted a variety of workshops, conferences, and graduate classes on the topic of copyright. Although the majority has been geared for K-12 teachers and school librarians, she has also done numerous presentations on the subject for university faculty and staff; public, medical, museum, and other librarians; technology coordinators; and more. In addition, she has served as a reviewer (2006) for the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program.
Chapter 1: The School Library and the School Librarian
Chapter 2: Standards and Guidelines
Chapter 3: Policies and Procedures
Chapter 4: Money
Chapter 5: Facilities
Chapter 6: Relationships and Personnel
Chapter 7: Services
Chapter 8: Programming and Collaboration
Chapter 9: Ethics, Intellectual Freedom, and Copyright
Chapter 10: Advocacy
Chapter 11: The “Extra” Things
Chapter 12: Evaluation and the Future
Appendix 1: Annotated Bibliography of Selected School Library Policies and Procedures Manuals
Appendix 2: Annotated Bibliography of Selected School Library Professional Organization Web Sites
Appendix 3: Annotated Bibliography of Selected National and State School Library Standards and Guidelines
Appendix 4: Annotated Bibliography of Selected School Library Instruction and Collaboration Tools
Appendix 5: Annotated Directory of Selected Grant Resources for School Libraries
About the Author
Intended as a textbook for MLS courses as well as for current school librarians wanting to expand their knowledge, this is a comprehensive guide to the management of a school library. The subjects covered include a history of the field, standards and guidelines, policies and procedures, funding, facilities, staff and volunteers, programming, intellectual freedom, and more. Each of the chapters concludes with a bullet-point list of key concepts, a set of discussion questions, activities to apply the knowledge learned, and a list of references. Sample documents are included throughout, from flow charts for both selection and weeding to pictures of various school library layouts. Appendixes offer an annotated bibliography of selected library policies and procedures manuals as well as an annotated bibliography of selected school library professional-organization websites. This stellar resource would be useful for students preparing to enter the field as well as for experienced practitioners wanting a refresher.
— Booklist
Whether you have just begun your career or you have been a school librarian for many years, School Libraries 3.0 can transform your work experience. This may be the book that first explains to a fledgling librarian the basics of copyright compliance; it may also be the book that helps older librarians understand the difference between a blog and a wiki. Butler writes knowledgeably on subjects as diverse as deciding what materials to weed, handling toxic co-workers, and re-designing the physical space of your library. Her writing tone is amiable, suggestive rather than tutorial, taking into consideration the many varieties of school libraries and their resources. . . .This is an excellent resource for library education programs as well for a professional collection in a school library.
Butler has crafted a clear, concise, yet comprehensive introduction to the day-to-day management of a 21st century school library. Covering such topics as standards and guidelines, programming and collaboration, policies and procedures, advocacy, facilities, funding, and personnel, the text includes discussion questions and activities to apply key concepts to relevant situations. Intended for pre-service school librarians, active practitioners will find Butler’s examination of ethics, intellectual freedom, and copyright to be an exemplary resource.
— Mary Marks, Adjunct Instructor, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Dominican University
Already well-known for her books on copyright law, here Rebecca Butler draws on her experience as a school librarian and university instructor to create a readable textbook on school library management. She has included information on all the topics a pre-service school librarian needs to be successful.
— Helen R. Adams, Online Instructor, School Library & Information Technology Program, Mansfield University Mansfield, Pennsylvania
School Libraries 3.0: Principles & Practices for the Digital Age by Rebecca Butler is a perfect fit for my graduate course Program Organization and Administration. The mix of library and technology is unique, filling a need within the field. The suggested resources at the end of each chapter are extensive and well-selected. The layout and writing style makes this textbook easy to read. This is a textbook students will read and keep for future reference.
— Barbara Fiehn, Associate Professor, Library Media Education Western Kentucky University
School Library 3.0 offers a survey of current school library leadership and management practices helpful for learners new to the profession.
— Marcia A. Mardis, Associate Professor, School of Information, Florida State University
• Winner, 2016 SLC/ARBA Best of Reference Awards - Best Professional Guide for School or Youth Librarians