Scarecrow Press
Pages: 264
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-0-8108-8634-6 • Hardback • April 2013 • $197.00 • (£152.00)
978-0-8108-8635-3 • eBook • April 2013 • $187.00 • (£144.00)
Thomas A. Rumney, now retired, was professor of Geography at Plattsburgh State University. He is the author of The Study of Agricultural Geography (Scarecrow, 2005) and Canadian Geography: A Scholarly Bibliography (2010).
This reference gives college-level students and professors a 'one-stop shopping' place to find an exhaustive array of academic publications on the geography of South America. The publication begins with a chapter on the region as a whole followed by individual chapters covering each nation on the continent. Within each chapter resources are identified as general works and then categorized under the subfields of the discipline, such as cultural and social geography, economic geography, historical geography, physical and environmental geography, urban geography, and more. Within each subfield the entries are further classified by atlases, books, monographs, textbooks, book chapters, scholarly articles, master’s theses, and doctoral dissertations. The citations are primarily in English, Spanish, and Portuguese but other languages are included. If you are looking for research on rainfall variation in Chile, the relationship of street cars to popular protests in Rio de Janiero, or the settlement patterns on the Argentine Pampa, then this book is for you.
— American Reference Books Annual