Scarecrow Press
Pages: 504
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-0-8108-6908-0 • Paperback • November 2009 • $78.00 • (£60.00)
978-0-8108-6909-7 • eBook • November 2009 • $74.00 • (£57.00)
Joni Richards Bodart is assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Science at San JosZ State University. She is the author of The World's Best Thin Books: What to Read When Your Book Report is Due Tomorrow (Scarecrow, 2000) and Radical Reads: 101 YA Novels on the Edge (Scarecrow, 2002).
Bodart, a highly respected youth literature professional, provides an updated resource for both the youth-serving professional and the teen. She offers insight into writing book reports and booktalks that secondary school English teachers and library media specialists can share with students. The table of contents alone is a collection-development tool that helps libraries meet the needs of teens looking for themselves in books as well as reading beyond their own life experiences . . . Bodart's new book is a must-have professional tool in public libraries, secondary school libraries, and secondary school English classrooms. An examination of the subjects and themes also suggests that it is a useful resource for secondary school counselors. Bodart again demonstrates why young adult librarians turn to her for booktalking resources..
Veteran author Bodart continues the work she began with Radical Reads: 101 YA Novels on the Edge (2002), this time featuring titles that have been published since then. After discussing the value of edgy books?those that reflect the sometimes harsh realities of life for teens?Bodart provides entries for over 100 titles. Recommended for YA librarians in schools, as well as for teachers; public librarians serving teens will find this to be an excellent reader's advisory tool as well as a professionalresource on handling challenges and preparing book talks...
Of the many bibliographic resource tools that anyone can have, this work is a must for librarians, teachers, and the general public who wish to promote the best in young adult literature.....
In Radical Reads, published in 2002, Joni Richards Bodart identified 101 YA novels of the type generally described as edgy and gritty. In Radical Reads 2, she lists more than 100 new ones?almost all of them award winners. What sets this bibliographic guide apart is the amount of detail provided for each title, including a sample booktalk, a list of major themes, book report ideas, review excerpts, and a useful rundown of what makes the book a risky choice, as well as what makes it good. Anessential tool for librarians serving young adults.
In this update to Radical Reads (Scarecrow, 2002), Bodart gives an in-depth look at the latest controversial literature for teens. More than 100 new titles are profiled, offering detailed information, including sections on risks and strengths, majorthemes and ideas, brief character descriptions, booktalks and book-report ideas, reviews, awards, and more....This is a must-read for anyone serving teens, including teachers....