Scarecrow Press
Pages: 240
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8108-5885-5 • Paperback • August 2007 • $78.00 • (£60.00)
978-0-8108-6663-8 • eBook • August 2007 • $74.00 • (£57.00)
Richard Keenan is currently the chair of the department of English and Modern Languages at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore.
1 The Early Years at RKO
2 The Years with Val Lewton
3 More B Movies
4 Moving Up: From B to A
5 Wise at His Best: The Set-Up
6 The Years at Warner Bros. and Fox
7 Science Fiction and the Cold War:The Day the Earth Stood Still
8 1952-1958: Documentary Style—And Everything Else...
9 "Produced" by Robert Wise
10 From Stage to Film: Preeminent Translator of Musicals
11 The 1970s
12 Searching for New Beginnings
Appendix: An Interview with Robert Wise
About the Author
The author is generally evenhanded in granting measured attention to each of Wise's films. We are lucky to have now a critical study of the films of Robert Wise, but even lucker that The Films of Robert Wise is so persuasive and thoughtful.
— Peter Tonguette; Film International
Robert Wise (1914-2005) was an American film director and producer best known for such works as The Day the Earth Stood Still, West Side Story, The Sound of Music, and The Sand Pebbles. This book by Keenan (English and modern languages, U. of Maryland) is an appreciative discussion of the value and merit of Wise's filmic craftsmanship that discusses the 40 movies Wise produced or directed. It draws on many interviews with Wise, as well as first-hand observation of Wise's working methods on the set of Star Trek: the Movie. One of those interviews is include in an appendix, together with a bibliography and a filmography.
— Reference and Research Book News, November 2007
This book was many years in the making, and involves over thirty hours of interviews and countless correspondence with Wise and others associated with these productions.
— Film Quarterly