Scarecrow Press
Pages: 436
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-0-8108-5143-6 • Hardback • December 2004 • $118.00 • (£91.00)
Barbara Crowe has been Director of Music Therapy at Arizona State University since 1981.
Chapter 1 Acknowledgments
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 Chapter 1: Music in Therapy and Healing
Chapter 4 Chapter 2: Complexity Science: A New Scientific Paradigm
Chapter 5 Chapter 3: Of Sound and Music
Chapter 6 Chapter 4: Music Therapy and Problems of Brain and Mind
Chapter 7 Chapter 5: Music Therapy and Problems of the Body
Chapter 8 Chapter 6: Music Therapy and Problems of Emotion and Feeling
Chapter 9 Chapter 7: Music Therapy and Problems of Spirit
Chapter 10 Chapter 8: Toward a New Theory of Music and Healing
Chapter 11 Bibliography
Chapter 12 Index
Chapter 13 About the Author
...I recommend reading this book. Crowe breaks down some difficult ideas so that anyone can understand them, and this makes her book a must-read.
— Music Educators Journal , November 2006
This is a marvelous book and I congratulate Barbara...on its completion. It is a major contribution to the field of music therapy—but also more broadly to all those who are interested in the healing nature of music.
— Carol Hegedus, Senior Advisor, Fetzer Institute
Bringing in aspects of disciplines as diverse as neuroscience, sociology, acoustics, education, and complexity science, Crowe (director of music therapy, Arizona State U.) simultaneously seeks to explain why music therapy is effective and to formulate a philosophy of music therapy. She rejects a completely empirical approach, preferring to conceptualize her philosophy as "music and soulmaking," wherein soul "is our experience of ourselves, and, as such it is dynamic, malleable, and ever growing and changing" and music "is a fundamental, holistic experience that impacts functioning in all areas-body, mind, emotion, and spirit." She offers descriptions of how music impacts each of these areas, followed by a presentation of her new model for music and healing (or "soulmaking").
— Reference and Research Book News
Barbara Crowe has given the world of musicians, health practitioners and scientists a daring, innovative and visionary book based on the clinical use of music in the health sciences. Music and Soulmaking stirs the heart and mind of those ready to make a leap into the true complexity of music's artistic mystery. This is a must read and a must hear for those who are visioning music's power for the 21st century.
— Don Campbell, Author of The Mozart Effect and Music, Physician for Times to Come
From the physics of sound propagation to the psychoneurology of the perception of music, Barbara Crowe provides a well-documented and thoroughly compelling overview of the history and potential of sound and music as therapeutic modalities. Drawing from her many years as an academician and a practicing music therapist, she conveys a wealth of experience and understanding of fields as diverse as shamanism and conventional music therapy, to the evolving sciences of chaos theory and complexity science, showing that music is not only a diversion or a form of entertainment, but an analogue of the life process itself. Indeed, music is the soundtrack of our lives, and, when used with wisdom and intent, it can be a formidable ally in human development at all levels of consciousness!!
— Jeff Volk, poet, publisher, and producer of the award-winning video Of Sound Mind and Body: Music and Vibrational Healing, and the Internat
From the physics of sound propagation to the psychoneurology of the perception of music, Barbara Crowe provides a well-documented and thoroughly compelling overview of the history and potential of sound and music as therapeutic modalities. Drawing from her many years as an academician and a practicing music therapist, she conveys a wealth of experience and understanding of fields as diverse as shamanism and conventional music therapy, to the evolving sciences of chaos theory and complexity science, showing that music is not only a diversion or a form of entertainment, but an analogue of the life process itself. Indeed, music is the soundtrack of our lives, and, when used with wisdom and intent, it can be a formidable ally in human development at all levels of consciousness!
— Jeff Volk, poet, publisher, and producer of the award-winning video Of Sound Mind and Body: Music and Vibrational Healing, and the In