Scarecrow Press
Pages: 190
Trim: 7 x 8¼
978-0-8108-5044-6 • Paperback • August 2004 • $79.00 • (£61.00)
Amy Spaulding is Associate Professor at Long Island University's Palmer School of Library and Information Science, and a master storyteller.
Chapter 1 Foreword
Chapter 2 1. Introduction: What Is the Wisdom in Storytelling?
Chapter 3 2. The Importance of Story and Narrative Thinking
Chapter 4 3. Story as a Way of Making Meaning and Building Community
Chapter 5 4. Reading as Work, Story as Play
Chapter 6 5. Imagining Information
Chapter 7 6. Story Is Deeper Than Action
Chapter 8 7. Virtual Reality of the Mind: Story
Chapter 9 8. Ironworker or Ancient Miner: Tales That Must Be Told
Chapter 10 9. Myth in an Age of Information
Chapter 11 10. Conclusion: Story as Social Glue
Chapter 12 Bibliography
Chapter 13 About the Author
...meticulously researched and documented...among the most valuable purchases of the year for librarians, teachers, and media specialists, primarily because the documentation could be priceless for budget, program, and services planning at all age levels.
While her theme is a constant - that information is valuable, but wisdom invaluable, and wisdom springs from story - each talk examines and illuminates this idea from a different perspective so there is little repetition or redundancy....The argument is well constructed, logically organizing history and current research in a dynamic writing style that frequently includes those all-important stories. In an age when technology is pervasive and can seem overwhelming, Spaulding's passionate and persuasive case for the importance of story is important reading.
— School Library Journal
...presents written versions of nine talks meant to remind listeners of the importance of storytelling. They were developed for different audiences — academic, professional, parents, teachers — and so approach storytelling from a number of perspectives.
— Reference and Research Book News
• Winner, Special Storytelling Resource Award Winner 2006; Anne Izard Storytellers' Choice Award 2005