Scarecrow Press
Pages: 544
Trim: 8¾ x 11¼
978-0-8108-4994-5 • Hardback • January 2004 • $136.00 • (£105.00)
Barry Day is the author or editor of numerous books and plays. In June 2004 he was awarded the O.B.E. in the Queen's birthday Honours List.
Before Larry Hart, only P. G. Wodehouse has made any assault on the intelligence of the song-listening public. . . . Larry always said he was 'inspired' by Wodehouse.
— Richard Rodgers
One day, in fifty, a hundred years' time, the words of Porter, Hart, Wodehouse, Gershwin, Coward, maybe a few of my own, will be published, recited, analyzed, codified.
— Johnny Mercer
Wodehouse is the father of the modern theatre lyric, and it is a true delight to read as well as sing his marvelous creations. Ira Gershwin idolized him, and it is easy to understand why.
— Michael Feinstein
The Complete Lyrics of P. G. Wodehouse is a wonderful way to get acquainted with one of the forefathers of musical theater.
— Talkinbroadway.Com
Ira Gershwin would have loved this book. Not only was P. G. Wodehouse one of his literary heroes, but to Ira he was also a master lyricist. . . . All who cherish the best of musical theatre should be grateful to Barry Day for gathering together and sharing with us this treasure trove of wit and sensibility.
— Robert Kimball, Musical theatre historian and artistic advisor to the estates of Cole Porter and Ira Gershwin; Musical Theatre Historian