Scarecrow Press
Pages: 256
Trim: 8½ x 11
978-0-8108-4933-4 • Paperback • November 2004 • $74.00 • (£57.00)
Sylvia Marantz is retired from more than 30 years as a school librarian. She is the author of Picture Books for Looking & Learning. Ken Marantz is semi-retired from the Art Education Department of Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, where he continues to teach the art of the picture book. Together they review picturebooks and multicultural books for Children's Literature Comprehensive Database, School Arts, and Five Owls, and are frequent speakers on these subjects at workshops and conferences.
Chapter 1 Preface
Chapter 2 Introduction Part 1: Selecting and Evaluating a Multicultural Picturebook
Chapter 3 Introduction Part 2: Multicultural Education and Multicultural Literature
Chapter 4 1. Asia and the Pacific
Chapter 5 2. The Middle East and North Africa
Chapter 6 3. Africa and African America
Chapter 7 4. The Caribbean, South America, and Central America
Chapter 8 5. Aboriginal and Native Cultures of North America
Chapter 9 6. Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Experiences
Chapter 10 Appendix: Additional Resources
Chapter 11 Index
Chapter 12 About the Authors
...the great contribution of the book is in the detailed, highly knowledgeable discussion of individual titles. It will be used that way in children's literature courses and as a resource for libraries and classrooms.
— Booklist
In this second edition, authors Sylvia and Ken Marantz...continue to explore the way multicultural picture books function to foster global understanding, a key objective in today's diverse classrooms....This is a valuable resource for locating a recently published story from a specific cultural context, and the detailed expositions on the artwork make it equally useful for illustration studies.
— The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
...a resource text for elementary teachers, librarians, and parents; most works listed are targeted to children in K-4, but are also suitable for older children. Organized into five geographical areas and a section on the immigrant experience, the entries include author, title, illustrator, publisher and publication date, number of pages, and brief descriptions of the plot and the look and style of the artwork. For the second edition, the authors have deleted texts no longer in print, added new works published since 1997, and changed the title from the earlier Multicultural Picturebooks: Art for Understanding Others.
— Reference and Research Book News