Scarecrow Press / Society American Archivists
Pages: 182
Trim: 5¾ x 8½
978-0-8108-4746-0 • Paperback • November 2003 • $62.00 • (£48.00)
978-1-4616-5654-8 • eBook • November 2003 • $58.50 • (£45.00)
Trevor Livelton has worked with public and private records in a variety of settings. He is an Archivist with the City of Victoria, British Columbia.
A meticulous analysis of an important question in archival theory...professionals interested in the nature of records will enjoy his reasoned arguments...the selected bibliography is useful...
— Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship
Thoughtful contribution to archival theory. The most useful analysis is in drawing a sharp distinction between public and private records.
— Lisca
Livelton gives us much to think about.
— Archivaria
A cogent treatise...informed by an impressive range of disciplinary perspectives...the thoroughness of the work is testimony to...the insight of the by master's and doctoral students in North American archival education programs represents a major under-tapped resource of potential contributions to the archival literature, and it is commendable to see the Society of American Archivists and Scarecrow Press publishing it in the United States...the entire volume would be appropriate for use in archival education...highly intelligent...
— The American Archivist