R&L Education
Pages: 136
Trim: 8½ x 11
978-0-8108-3959-5 • Paperback • December 2000 • $79.00 • (£61.00)
Robert H. Palestini is Dean of Graduate and Continuing Studies at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. He has spent almost 40 years in basic and higher education. He has been a high school biology and general science teacher, a principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent of schools. He is the author of four books on various topics in educational administration.
Karen Palestini Falk, Dr. Palestini's daughter, is a graduate of Villanova Law School and is a practicing attorney in a large law firm with offices in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Princeton, New Jersey. Her specialties include school law and health care law. She has taught School Law, Health Care Law, and Health Care Ethics in the graduate school at Saint Joseph's University.