R&L Education
Pages: 128
Trim: 8½ x 11
978-0-8108-3950-2 • Paperback • February 2001 • $61.00 • (£47.00)
Chapter 1 Introduction: The whys and why nots of school surveys
Part 2 The Eighteen Essential Steps
Chapter 3 Decide what you want to learn from the survey
Chapter 4 Determine if you really need to do a survey
Chapter 5 Determine the target audience for the survey
Chapter 6 Determine the type of survey method
Chapter 7 Determine the level of confidence
Chapter 8 Develop a survey timeline
Chapter 9 List the resources needed
Chapter 10 Draw the sample
Chapter 11 Outline content areas / draft questions
Chapter 12 Refine wording / design questionnaire format
Chapter 13 Pretest the questionnaire
Chapter 14 Develop the final questionnaire
Chapter 15 Recruit and train interviewers
Chapter 16 Administer the survey
Chapter 17 Tabulate the data
Chapter 18 Analyze the results
Chapter 19 Report the new knowledge
Chapter 20 Use the results
Chapter 21 Glossary of survey terms
Chapter 22 Commonly asked questions
Chapter 23 Appendix of surveys: community, parent, staff, pre-election