Scarecrow Press
Pages: 704
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8108-3881-9 • Hardback • January 2001 • $187.00 • (£144.00) - Currently out of stock. Copies will arrive soon.
978-1-4616-7376-7 • eBook • January 2001 • $177.50 • (£137.00)
Richard H. Hall is a well-known authority in the field of ufology. In 1964 he compiled the first volume of The UFO Evidence as a documentary report for the National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena. Hall is outgoing Chairman of the Washington-based Fund for UFO Research. He was a consultant to the 1966-68 University of Colorado UFO study sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
Chapter 1 Foreword
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 Master Chronology
Chapter 4 Section I. Overview and Guide to Other Sections
Chapter 5 Section II. Military Witnesses
Chapter 6 Section III. Pilot & Aircrew Sightings
Chapter 7 Section IV. Scientists & Technicians
Chapter 8 Section V. Police Officers
Chapter 9 Section VI. Professionals & Citizens
Chapter 10 Section VII. Special Evidence
Chapter 11 Section VIII. Sighting Waves & Concentrations
Chapter 12 Section IX. Structure, Lights, & Color
Chapter 13 Section X. Motions & Flight Patterns
Chapter 14 Section XI. The UFO Profile
Chapter 15 Section XII. Alien-Human Encounters
Chapter 16 Section XIII. The Abduction Phenomenon
Chapter 17 Section XIV. Roswell & Other Crash Retrievals
Chapter 18 Section XV. Historical Developments
Chapter 19 Section XVI. Implications & Issues
Chapter 20 Bibliography
...Mr. Hall has provided the UFO researcher with a wealth of information...The structure of the book allows researchers quick access to specific aspects of the phenomena...this massive work will be used for years to come by researchers and serious students of the UFO enigma...This is as close to empiricism as is likely to be found in this arcane field. Highly recommended.
— Amazon.Com
...may have been one of the most influential (scientific as well as political) UFO publications ever. Like the first volume, this one is a well-organized look at the UFO phenomenon over the past 30 years. A lot has happened in the field since 1964 and Hall does a good job trying to put it all between the pages of this almost 700-page book...this book is indispensable for the true UFO researcher. A major work.
— The Anomalist
This will surely be the UFO book of the year....The beauty of Hall's approach is that the reader is literally overwhelmed with FACTS, not hypnotically-retrieved recollections or wild-eyed speculations...this book will be money well spent for anyone who wants to see what a serious piece of work looks like in comparison to the dozens of largely worthless UFO titles published every year by authors without a tenth of Hall's experience or depth of knowledge.
— Amazon.Com
...the state-of-the-art of UFOlogy in regard to factual UFO case presentations for the last thirty years....UFO researchers will hail it as one of the best and most useful books on the UFO subject anywhere available.....A must-read for the researcher AND the interested public.
— Nicap
This is a great new book at a special price, a 'must have' for the UFO reader.
— World Of The Strange Bookstore
[The UFO Evidence, Volume II] is without a doubt one of the best reviews of the UFO phenomenon in the last decade...a natural history of UFOs...a worthy successor to the first classic volume from 1964.
— Bill Chalker, author of The Oz Files
...this is an excellent work deserving of a wide—and hopefully open-minded—audience...It contains an incredible amount of invaluable data (including extensive references and bibliography), too much of which has been unseen for decades.
— Ufo Magazine
All of us owe him [Hall] a debt of gratitue both for his long-standing involvement in the study of these strange impressive amount of interesting information...The open minded reader will find much to ponder here. I highly recommend it.
— Amazon.Com
This brand-new book is a 30-year advancement of one of the greatest and most respected UFO books ever written: The UFO Evidence, by the same author. It is a UFO library unto itself, and will be consulted for centuries to come by scientists and seekers after truth alike.
— AbeBooks
....indisputably the most anticipated [book in the field of ufology] of the last 5 years.
— Vsd
Simply put, one of the five best UFO books ever written....overwhelming in its presentation of the data....Included herein (and, for that matter, in its earlier companion volume, The UFO Evidence) is the very essence of the UFO mystery: eyewitness acconts from outstanding observers, the patterns and puzzling luminosities, flaps and waves and concentrations of UFO sightings, the encounters with seeming aliens, the bizarre shapes, the erratic flight patterns, Roswell....Any attempt to dismiss the UFO phenomenon as a series of misrepresentations of prosaic events must take into account not only much solid witness testimony, but also the amazing consistency of case detail Richard Hall has proferred for our collective perusal.
— Fund For Ufo Research
...a comprehensive, intelligent, sober overview of an implacable mystery which refuses either to go away to to lend itself to genuine prosaic accounting...a well-argued, convincingly-documented brief for the "need for serious scientific attention to UFOs," a need yet unmet nearly four decades after UFOI.
— Fortean Times
The most complete reference available that provides a solid and comprehensive review of the all types of evidential and compelling UFO reports. Presents sightings from a wide variety of professionals, and also discusses in-depth the characteristics of the UFO phenomenon.
— Cufos.Com
• Winner, Winner, 2001 Anomalist Book Award for Best Report