Scarecrow Press
Pages: 352
Trim: 5¾ x 8¾
978-0-8108-3868-0 • Hardback • December 2000 • $125.00 • (£96.00)
Robert Balay(B.A. Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn.; M.A., University of Minnesota; M.S.L.S., Columbia University) has been Reference Editor at Choice magazine for the past fifteen years, but is now semi-retired. He edited the eleventh edition of the esteemed Guide to Reference Books, as well as the supplement to the tenth edition. He was Head of Reference, Yale University Libraries, from 1968 through 1985.
...Balay's book is a godsend for reference librarians. Undoubtedly, it is already a classic in the library world. For anyone interested in the history of periodical indexing, Balay has provided an indispensable reference source....annotations are extremely valuable and informative. That the author has thoroughly reviewed these documents is apparent....It has depth and demonstrates scholarship, a quality so often lacking in expansive but shallow Internet resources.
— The Indexer
This useful bibliography from the most recent editor of the Guide to Reference Books lists 400 titles that index periodicals published before 1900...It is highly recommended for reference collections...
— College & Research Libraries
Annotations fully describe scope, content, and organization; establish the relation to other resources; and are exacting in evaluations...Drawing on the author's extensive experience as a reference librarian who frequently dealt with the vexing question of how to identify the contents of periodicals before 1900, Early Periodical Indexes is an invaluable guide.
— Serial Bibliographies
...helps to fill a serious need.
— ECCB: The Eighteenth-Century Current Bibliography
Robert Balay's distinguished career in reference and bibliography provides admirable authority for this welcome contribution to bibliography.
— Public Library Quarterly, vol. 20 no. 1 (2001)
..Balay's discussions are lengthy and evaluative—a critical perspective that should make this book particularly useful on the reference shelf...Recommended for academic and research collections.
— Choice Reviews