Scarecrow Press
Pages: 840
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-0-8108-3712-6 • Hardback • December 2000 • $195.00 • (£150.00)
Robert E. Schnare Jr. is the Director of the U.S. Naval War College Library. The late Susan G. Swartzburg and George M. Cunha were both great contributors to the field of preservation.
...well deserves a place on the preservation bookshelf alongside its antecedents.
— Npo Journal
In succinct prose this overview of the profession's development also enumerates the problems and issues faced by managers and collections — a textbook introduction ideal for the classroom...This work is a fitting tribute to the life of work of those late pioneers and luminaries in the conservation and preservation fields, Susan Schwartszburg and George Cunha...a welcoming first port of call.
— Australian Library Journal
...should be read by all librarians, as an overview of the importance of preservation in our mission of linking our patrons with the information they essential title for libraries supporting library science, archives, or preservation programs.
— Medical Reference Services Quarterly extensive and impressive compilation of preservation reference materials for libraries and archives.
— Archivaria
A comprehensive bibliographic survey of preservation literature published during the years 1983 to 1996 and also offers the reader a sweeping look at the changes faced by preservationists today...This book belongs in any library, archive, museum or other institution that aspires to that goal.
— NEA Newsletter
...tour de force of preservation titles...The index appears to have been sensitively constructed and definitely merits a read through on its own right...Highly recommended for all library schools and for institutions with preservation departments.
— Library Journal
Should be required reading for all librarians.
— Journal of the West
Marks a watershed in the field and thus offers an interesting historical perspective...this bibliography contains some citations that are not otherwise easily found. It should be considered for specialized libraries.
— Journal of The American Institute For Conservation
• Winner, Winner, 2002 SAA Preservation Publication Award;