Scarecrow Press
Pages: 784
Trim: 5¾ x 8¾
978-0-8108-3570-2 • Hardback • April 2000 • $204.00 • (£158.00)
The late Warren W. Vaché was a freelance writer and jazz musician. He was a co-founder and charter member of the New Jersey Jazz Society, the co-founder of the American Federation of Jazz Societies, and founder of the American Jazz Hall of Fame.
The highly readable, almost breezy style should find favor with the general public, while the wealth of information makes The Unsung Songwriters desirable to even the most serious scholars. All in all, a well-executed good idea.
— JazzTimes Magazine
...a scholarly work happily written in Warren Vache's usual conversational manner.
— Jazz Journal International
...a work of seminal scholarship and exhaustive research which brings a long overdue and well deserved recognition to the men and women who created the cultural legacy of the nation (and in the world) that is American music. The Unsung Songwriters is a seminal core title for all professional, academic and community music history reference collections.
— Bookwatch
...this book should be on a shelf in every library in the nation. It makes no difference which department, music, popular culture, history of whatever, because within the covers of Unsung Songwriters there is as much to learn about America's history as you are likely to find anywhere else...
— Jersey Jazz
It is a joy to open this book at any place and begin reading. The knowledgeable author writes with a captivating style that makes it hard to put down before you read about just one more person who may have written one of your favorite songs.
— The IAJRC Journal
The Unsung Songwriters brings long overdue recognition to these influential writers, and at the same time highlights a neglected but important segment of our American musical heritage.
— New York Sheet Music Society
The entire volume is a fine effort to bring out facts not well known. There are many songwriting books out there, but this one rises to the top because of its research and the author's emphatic love for the songs. I wish more composer books were like this.
— Classic Images
...a rarely worked on area has an ideal first point of approach in The Unsung Songwriters...
— Rezensionen