Scarecrow Press
Pages: 208
Trim: 5¾ x 8½
978-0-8108-3363-0 • Paperback • December 1997 • $79.00 • (£61.00)
Amy G. Job is Librarian and Adjunct Professor at William Patterson College. MaryKay W. Schnare) is a media specialist at Nathan Bishop Middle School. She was the Teacher of the Year for Rhode Island in 1996 and the Milken Family Foundation National Educator for 1997-1998. studies themselves are up-to-date...thought-provoking questions at the end of each scenario will lead discussion beyond the obvious solutions to broader issues of concern...a variety of AASL position papers and statements...collected in a series of appendices, are a real book for students and professors alike, as is this entire book. An excellent resource for all who train school library media specialists either at the university or school system level.
— Youth Services in Libraries
...a recommended purchase for media specialists who use a case studies approach to management skills...
— Book Report
Finally, a book that can be used as a 'textbook' for school library management courses....The scenarios are those which teacher-librarians face on a regular basis. The questions at the end of each case study stimulate discussions that encourage practical and creative solutions. An instructor in a course would find such studies useful as a learning resource for classes of both new and experienced school library resource center personnel.
— Teacher Librarian
...thought-provoking scenarios of situations that could occur in school libraries, along with discussion excellent basis for examining school library issues...the appendix section...contains the American Association of School Librarian's position statements on various subjects...the bibliography is a useful tool for purchasing books on managing a media center...a solid choice for academic libraries and professional collections serving library school students.
— School Library Journal
Appropriate for library-school students as well as practitioners...
— American Libraries
Library school faculty teaching management courses will find this book a welcome addition to their study of issues in the field.
— Lisca
...clearly written...would be valuable as a resource in classes and to generate discussion among experienced library media specialists.
— Library Lane
...the ease with which the concepts of management theory are translated into day-to-day practice for library media specialist facing different kinds of pressures, whether economic, social or educational.
— Australian Library Journal