Scarecrow Press
Pages: 272
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8108-3224-4 • Hardback • December 1996 • $125.00 • (£96.00)
Ann Curry is Assistant Professor, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada.
...will strike a chord with directors everywhere...the depth and level of information provided makes this book of greatest interest to specialists and library special collections.
— Library Journal
Curry presents a valuable insight into current professional attitudes towards these important issues...highly recommended for public librarians, library directors, and all others interested in intellectual freedom issues.
— Reference and User Services Quarterly
Curry's broad approach to intellectual freedom is the main strength of the book...this book gives readers a broad look at the many factors influencing intellectual freedom in the United Kingdom and Canada...recommended for academic libraries and information science educators.
— Lisca
Her analysis focuses on the personal and professional factors that influence the range of responses to challenges.
— American Libraries
...her study provides the academic and practitioner alike with the wherewithal to critically examine professional practice in these areas...
— Counterprose
This research represents an impressive addition to the censorship debate, and I commend it unequivocally to everyone responsible for the selection and promotion of public library stock.
— Gerry Sproston