Scarecrow Press
Pages: 256
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-8108-3148-3 • Hardback • August 1996 • $110.00 • (£85.00)
David W. Music is Professor of Church Music at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX.
...belongs in the libraries that support programs in church music or theology and in the private collections of persons with a serious interest in the history of congregational song.
— The Theological Educator
David W. Music has given both the serious hymnological scholar and the interested 'person in the pew' valuable insights into the development of the congregational hymn...
— Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture
A needed addition to the historical study of hymnology that reminds us of the rich history of Christian congregational song that is part of the inheritance of every Christian today. It is a well-documented and scholarly work, the kind of resource we have come to expect from the author.The volume is a useful resource for teachers and researchers in church music and also for practicing church musicians.
— Southwestern Journal Of Theology
...a wide array of source readings in hymnology...David Music has provided an extremely helpful service by pulling together...some of the most important sources about hymnody in the history of the church...The work is well-conceived and well-executed...a valuable addition to the library of anyone who is concerned with the church's hymnody.
— Worship