Scarecrow Press
Pages: 352
Trim: 5¾ x 8¾
978-0-8108-2492-8 • Hardback • November 1991 • $119.00 • (£92.00)
David A. Kronik (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is a Fellow of the Medical Library Association. His History of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, which has boon widely cited, was published by Scarecrow in 1962 and revised in 1976. He directed several major medical libraries from 1950 until his retirement in 1984 as Director of the University of Texas Health Sciences Library at San Antonio and was Scholar in Residence at the National Library of Medicine in 1989.
With this guide in hand, intellectual prospectors will be able to begin their searches.
— Wilson Library Bulletin essential tool for historians of both science and technology and periodical publishing.
— Library Association Record important reference source...
— AB Bookman's Weekly
... a valuable research tool with this comprehensive bibliographical listing of all scientific and technical periodicals published in Europe between 1665 and 1800...a personal name index and subject and institutional indexes make the volume an essential reference tool for scholars of the early modern period.
— Isis a is a model of clarity and represents several incremental improvements to the existing bibliographical literature. For one, it is the first bibliography of its topic to take into account a major bibliographic database [OCLC]...
— Technology and Culture
...fills a long-standing gap in science bibliography that will satisfy a wide variety of research needs.
— Journal of the Medical Library Association