Scarecrow Press
Pages: 280
Trim: 6 x 8½
978-0-8108-2060-9 • Paperback • January 1988 • $70.00 • (£54.00)
Mary Dykstra is Professor and Director, School of Library and Information Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. She has studied PRECIS at the British Library and conducts training courses and workshops on the system. At the National Film Board in Montreal she developed Canada's national audiovisual information system, FORMAT, which uses PRECIS for subject access in English and French.
Highly recommended...A welcome addition to the growing body of literature on the techniques of PRECIS indexing. It should further expand the acceptance of the system as a logical, effective solution to many of the problems of subject access.
— Library Journal
A well-produced manual...Thoroughly comprehensive...
— Library Association Record
The primer is excellent in its intellectual content and technical detail, and careful editing has made the text relatively error free. Superb layout and typography contribute to ease of use. The well-constructed index is itself a model for the application of PRECIS to back-of-the-book indexing.
— Rtsd Newsletter