University of South Florida
Pages: 272
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-0-7885-0447-1 • Hardback • January 1998 • $87.00 • (£67.00)
"…Paul Flesher has assembled a team of nine leading experts on the Targum and Peshitta versions of the Old Testament. They contribute impressive and sometimes definitive essays on a number of issues that have engaged students of these versions during the past century and more."
— Robert P. Gordon, Regius Professor of Hebrew, Cambridge University
"…a hallmark of biblical scholarship which deserves wide recognition.…Flesher has done an admirable job in editing this trend-setting volume."
— Johannes C. de Moor, Professor of Semitic Languages, Kampen, The Netherlands
"This volume contains a timely survey of the problem of the Targum's relationship to the Peshitta. Paul Flesher has assembled a strong team who are able to speak authoritatively on the subject.…a first-rate overview of the state of the question."
— Philip S. Alexander, Professor of Post-Biblical Jewish Literature and Director of the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester
"This is a book almost indispensable for scholars, and for institutional and public libraries catering for students of Jewish and early Christian literature."
— The Aramaic Bible